Lizzie – A Farewell Ode

In a place that was called VSO

A wonderful woman did grow

Now after 8 years

Of blood, sweat and tears

Here’s what we think you should know…

With her warm and pragmatic style

She knew how to make people smile

No problem too small

She’d help with it all 

Always willing to go one more mile

The ultimate marketing pro

There’s nothing our Liz didn’t know

With knowledge and care

Passion and flair

The numbers would grow and they’d grow

Projects, she tackled a few

Managed some agencies too

Her technical brains

Would churn out campaigns

While drinking her fourth or fifth brew!

She’d listen to all of our pleas

And bring in new business with ease 

Pitches, so slick

Reports churned out quick

But don’t mention Salesforce – no please! 

When faced with a salesperson’s spiel

She answered with purpose and steel

With cool, calm and wit

She’d take no bulls**t

And boy could she get a good deal!

In weary staff meetings we knew

Our straight-talking girl would come through

When we’d had enough

Of leadership guff

She’d call out “Well, what do YOU do?!”

But when at a Leadership Day

Her fun side would come out to play 

From Christmas Awards

To riding skate-boards 

She had the most mischievous way!

A wise and compassionate mind

So loyal, caring and kind

Something the matter?

She’s there for a natter

And the greatest advice you could find 

So as you by now may have guessed

From what we have gently expressed 

As one chapter ends

We know we’ll stay friends

For Lizzie we think you’re the best!