An Anniversary Ode

To mark one year’s marriage together

I won’t give you tin, wood or leather

It’s paper this time

So here is a rhyme

To tell you I’ll love you forever

We first met on LinkedIn, it’s true

My interest, it grew and it grew

It gave me such thrills

To endorse your skills

How lucky I was to find you

We went on so many great dates

They started on dodgy ice skates

In Banff you said ‘yes’

We soon moved address

Now think of the fun that awaits

We wed only one year ago

But WOW what a bash we did throw!

You made me so proud

In front of the crowd

To burst into song like a pro

With a voice that no other can beat

You had us all up on our feet

My beautiful bride

You filled me with pride

And made our big day so complete

So funny, supportive, and kind

With a sharp and brilliant mind

You’re fearless and fun

So clearly ‘The One’

The best ever ‘Missus’ I’d find

A year since the day that we wed

And what a great life we have led

My beautiful wife

And best friend for life

I can’t wait for all that’s ahead