Limericks for Life Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your nameYour email *Who is the limerick for? *What is the occasion? *Personal detailsPlease let me know a few basic details about the recipient, especially anything you'd particularly like mentioned e.g. their age, where they live / grew up, occupation, family members / pets, notable physical features, etc. PersonalityPlease give me a sense of their character and personality (funny, supportive, lovable, etc), ideally with some examples of their personality in action. For example "They're the funniest person I know, like the time they turned up at work wearing a gorilla costume!" Hobbies and interestsPlease let me know if they have any particular hobbies or interests, the more unique the better!QuirksPlease describe any unusual quirks or idiosyncrasies. Stories and memoriesPlease use this space to share any stories or memories about the recipient that you'd like to include.Anything else?Key messagesWhat are the key messages you'd like to get accross e.g. 'Wishing you lots of love on your birthday", 'Thank you for always being there" etc. Submit